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Harmony Highlights 3
Based on Event 17 in the Concise Harmony of the Four Gospels
Notes: Biblical texts are from the King James Version. If no text is given, the event is not mentioned by that author. Reference links lead to alternate translations. Event numbers and locations match the Concise Harmony. Lowercase letters after references indicate a suggested priority or order.
Event #17: 40 Day Temptations
Location: Judea (South)
Matthew 4:1-11a (Link to NIV)
1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. 2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. 3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. 5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, 6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. 7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. 8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
Mark 1:12-13c
12 And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness. 13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.
Luke 4:1-13b
1And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered. 3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. 4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. 5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. 7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. 8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence: 10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: 11 And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. 12 And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Notes and Insights
Christ answered each temptation with a scripture quotation. (See Deuteronomy 8:2-3; Deuteronomy 6:16; Deuteronomy 8:18-19; Exodus 34:14) The first temptation had to do with the desires of the flesh. (Romans 7:22-24) The second was concerning inappropriate faith and pride. The third was concerning wealth and power. We all need to follow his example in resisting the same kinds or classes of temptations so that they do not have power over us or cause destructive behavior. There are related teachings in Matthew chapters five and six, and Hebrews 4:15. Concerning wafting from place to place, see Acts 8:35-39.
Study Questions
(1) What experience or insight have you had related to this event?
(2) What principle(s) does this event teach you?
(3) What do you love about this event, and why?
(4) How can you apply this event to your life?
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