Fear, Firearms, and Faith
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Early Saturday morning, on 7 October 2023, twenty-five-year-old Inbal Lieberman heard some suspicious explosions. Sensing danger, she alerted her 12-member security team and got them into defensive positions. Within a few hours, many murderers, rapists, and kidnappers attacked her village. She shot five of them and her team eliminated twenty more, saving the entire community. Inbal Lieberman’s heroism will be celebrated for generations.
Many years ago, terrorists targeted Israeli schoolchildren, but that crisis was resolved by giving firearms to schoolteachers. More recently, murderous attacks have been made in American schools. Many misguided leaders tried to solve the problem by making schools gun-free zones, which resulted in more deaths because criminals ignored the law which disarmed potential protectors. Schools with an ounce of sense begin arming guards and teachers and, according to reports, no shootings have occurred where teachers have firearms.
If you are foolish enough to think that the presence of armed defenders won’t help save innocent lives, you could be part of the problem. Contrary to common sense, and piles of evidence, endlessly repeating the ridiculous lie that taking guns from good people will save lives, propagandists and their dupes have continued to disarm law-abiding defenders and empower criminals, terrorists, and tyrants.
Thankfully, the Second Amendment right to own and bear arms continues to make it possible for many Americans to defend themselves millions of times per year, but Israel has no law comparable to our Second Amendment, and very few civilians have firearms—which helped make it possible, on 10/7/23, for terrorists to slaughter defenseless families for hours. In some American states, well-armed citizens have eliminated murderers within a few minutes.
Beginning to learn from their mistakes, Israeli officials have started handing out rifles, and “[American] Jews are flocking to gun stores to purchase their very first gun because they feel under threat everywhere they go, even here in the U.S.A. And many are finally seeing the light on why the Second Amendment is one of America’s most important founding rights.”
Terror and Fear
Terrorists want power, control, and amusement so much that they are willing to lie, kill, and steal to get it. They try to create enough fear that many will submit to their demands. There have always been a few of these predators, but we have entered an era where the numbers willing to support them are expanding. The impetus for this stunning increase is spurious ideology (destructive beliefs). The following imaginary dialogue is explanatory:
Saint Peter: Are you willing to lie, kill, abuse, or steal to get what you want?
LickSpittle: Of course not, I am a kind, fair, and tolerant person.
Saint Peter: Do you support those who lie, kill, abuse, or steal to get what they want?
LickSpittle: Of course not, I am a kind, fair, and tolerant person.
Saint Peter: What if the lying, killing, raping, thief says he is doing it because it is pro-social justice, anti-racist, pro-LGBT, pro-Palestinian, anti-Jew, pro-any other cause you believe in, or anti-anyone or anything that you hate?
LickSpittle: Oh, well then, because I am such an enlightened person, I proudly support terrorists that I agree with and will even join them if I can.
Saint Peter: At this point, I need to point out that you have been infected with evil ideas that violate earthly and heavenly laws. However, it is not too late to repent if you are willing. Many lives, including your own, can still be saved.
LickSpittle: Repent for what you damned bigot? I am proud of being a fair and tolerant person who sides with the victims you mentioned, and I will never change.
Saint Peter: Alas, you have reached a level of hypocrisy that is becoming quite popular in the last days. Allow me to introduce you to Screwtape who will place you in the power of those you idolize and make sure you get what you deserve.
Faith not Fear
A few weeks after the October 7 terror attack and the beginning of the war, my wife and I were invited to accompany my son and his family on a trip to some beautiful places in California and Oregon. I know people who would have been afraid to make that trip. They would have feared encountering criminals, tyrants, and terrorists, and even worried about current events leading to the end of the world.
That is the way terrorists want us to think. Rather than floundering in fear, we can swim in a river of faith. Victory over fear begins in our minds and hearts as we concentrate on positive and beneficial things. Hoping and striving for happy outcomes helps produce them. Keeping track of which fears and hopes actually come to pass can increase our faith. By the way, utilizing situational awareness, the West Coast trip was wonderful.
Physical and Spiritual Preparedness
Many countries around the world have been infiltrated by terrorists. Israel is surrounded by terrorists. The current USA administration has facilitated millions of illegal immigrants which certainly include many terrorists. The numbers and boldness of criminals are on the rise. Death by government, in the hundreds of millions, is a historical reality, and governmental tyranny is on the march.
Are the chances of needing guns for self-defense increasing or decreasing? The criminals, terrorists, and tyrants are desperately trying to disarm everyone, “For their own safety” and to “Save the children.” All the “Useful Idiots” (Including LickSpittle) are jumping on the bandwagon. Why do you suppose they are so anxious to get all the guns? Could it be because they want us to be defenseless and fearful?
All responsible people ought to be prepared to defend themselves, those they love, and possibly many more. If the population of Israel had been prepared to defend themselves, how many would have been saved on 10/7/23? If all people everywhere are prepared to defend themselves, how many lives will be saved? Beware of anyone opposed to armed self-defense. If there is a crisis, will they be willing and able to help?
Speaking spiritually, some might say that if we have enough faith, we won’t need guns. Maybe they don’t remember that James and many spiritual giants have taught that, “Faith without works is dead,” and that God helps those who help themselves.
Perhaps we should clarify that it would be inappropriate to have faith in guns. Who or what should we have faith in? We should have faith in ourselves, our loved ones, and in correct principles, such as truth and freedom. Most of all, we should have faith in the Lord, who will return, burn the predatory wicked, and usher in a millennium of peace.
Addendum: Two months after the publication of this article, Kurt Schlichter published a book called The Attack. The back cover of that book says, "Set in the very near future and ripped from today’s headlines, THE ATTACK is a terrifying novel that describes in frightening detail exactly how America’s enemies could launch a massive terrorist assault here at home." In the preface, Colonel K expresses hope that his writings will inspire lifesaving thought and action.
© Copyright 2023 Gene Van Shaar